Yippee It's Saturday!!!!!

on 4/10/09 9:40 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning Lovelies...and our handsome gentlemen, too!

Okay, can I really be the first one up and at 'em today?? Surely not!  It's alright, I'll get things going.

My crazy OCD husband decided yesterday to have a garage sale this morning. As we speak he's out putting up signs. I couldn't park in the garage, it's all lined up with "stuff" he's going to sell. God love his heart. Hope it doesn't turn out like a lemonade stand. I'm not sure Easter weekend is a good one to be doing this, but more power to him.

Today is a busy one, lots of color work, which I love, and a bride as well. Then, tonight we go to a nice Cuban restaurant for our dear Tess' birthday celebration with her family. So nice that we all get along so well. I'll have their wonderful black beans and rice, bringing the majority of it home for meals over the next couple of days.

I'd like to convince Gary to go to Mass tomorrow, might be able to do it. He hates the thought of being one of those Catholics(or any denomination for that matter) who only goes to church on Christmas and Easter. He feels it's hypocritical, maybe it is, but I feel like going. Won't go without him, so we'll see.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend filled with all the hope the newness of Spring brings!



Pat R.
on 4/10/09 10:38 pm - Sturgis, MI
It's a beautiful spring morning in southwest Michigan - sun is shining and the birds are chirping...

Took the stress test yesterday and Doc said I did well...so, I will see my regular doc (who was out of town) sometime this week, but honestly I feel just fine - no more chest pains or anything like that.
I am caught up on lost sleep and ready to hit the deck running today ,, NOT.
Just getting some of tomorrow's dinner prepped today, and then plan to take it easy and watch The Masters golf tournament.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers -- this was scarey but I'm glad I went to the hospital and got it checked out.

Have a blessed Easter to all my OFF friends,
Pat R.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
annette R.
on 4/10/09 10:44 pm - ithaca, NY
Susan - if he wants to do more garage sales, ship him to me. He can sell everything in this house - even the cats.

Actually, just ANNIE. I had a stack of sign in sheets from the support group in Tom's office. ANNIE decided to put her mark on them. She's just asking to be an outside cat if this doesn't stop. My sign in sheets and telephones are her targets.

We took the M&M's shopping and out for dinner. The Easter Bunny was at the mall for pictures. Melanie said she wanted her picture taken. Matthew clung to me and said "NO WAY".

Today Dylan (15 years old) is coming to spend a few days. I need to get a whole bunch of extra food in the house. His appetite amazes me. Dylan is almost 6' tall, all muscle and always HUNGRY. I tell him I am glad I don't have to keep him in shoes or fed all the time. He pats me on the head and laughs.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/10/09 11:00 pm - Bradenton, FL
Tevia does the samething to me. Gets into my scrapbook stuff and strews it all over the house.
He thinks he needs to scrapbook.
So you can send Annie to me and they can both get into trouble. I have a small house so it wont be to bad.
Susan thanks for starting the trhead.... It is always good to hear from you.
We are still in North Carolina. It is cold here and I didnt bring enough warm clothes. What was I thinking????? We drive back down to Florida tomorrow morning. It takes 12 hours.
I cant wait till may 1st. I am driving to Michigan to see my cousin, Eileen, paulette, nan, jean B and everyone else who is on the way to Denver.
If you live along I-80 give me a hollar. I am traveling with nanH. I-80 thru Illinois, Iowa, nebraska and of couurse Colorado.
We are leaving for Denver on the 14th.
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Brenda R.
on 4/11/09 12:48 am - Portage, IN

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/11/09 10:20 am - Bradenton, FL
Oh Brenda I would not forget you. You are one of my best buds!!!!!!! Carla
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annette R.
on 4/11/09 1:13 am - ithaca, NY
Tevia and Annie together ... my oh my!!!! They would wreck your house.

Have a safe trip. Give all the Sistas a big hug from me too.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/10/09 11:01 pm - Alexander, AR
Careful what you wish for, my dear!  I just might ship him out there "just cause"!  LOL

These animals of ours. I asked the daughter of one of my support group members to make a sign for the door to the room we meet in. It was a cute sign, not exactly what I wanted, but she did a great job and I didn't have to do it. So, I got home last night from work to find the sign ( had been left on the dining room table) half eaten. Then, when we let the dogs out for the last time last night, I found all of my sticky name tags strewn all over the back yard. Then I realized why Baxter had been so cuddly all night...he was apologizing!

Somehow I don't see Annie saying she's sorry for ANYTHING!



annette R.
on 4/11/09 1:18 am - ithaca, NY
Let's send them to Carla. I'll provide food for the furbrats, you send the tranquilizers for Carla.

Annie is sorry that Tom and I are not better trained. She keeps trying to teach us that she is the boss.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 4/10/09 11:24 pm - Elyria, OH
we will be needing a super dooper garage sale here in a month or two  so please ship him here too!! michael will help!!!

speaking of whom- he just left for his errands and will be gone a few hours so i must leave you guys and get to my skirt--the table is cleaned off so i can at least cut it out first!!! then to try to get one of four machines to work--if that fails my gf marie bought a new one! but i would like to do this myself!!!

sun is shining here and sposed to go up to 50*


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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